This privacy policy clarifies how Fitfit Shop Protects and utilizes any information that is provided by you. When you visit or use this website. Valley Sports is loyal to certifying that your privacy is secure. Should we request you to give definite information by which you can be acknowledged when using this website, then you can be satisfied that it will only be used under this privacy statement. Valley Sports may make changes in this policy by updating this page with the passage of time. You should visit this page from time to time and make sure that you are satisfied with any changes.

We are faithful to protect the customer’s privacy online. Our company uses the customer’s personal information with objective to develop and strong our relationship with them.

Our company gathers, save and then use customer information within company and protect it from third parties. We can only share customers personal information under the Data Protection Act 1998.You can ask the privacy relevant questions at any time from our company.


By using ypaymore.co.uk indicates your consent to us gathering and using your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

What we collect

Before making a payment for any buying, it is obligatory for all customers to register and give some information.

We may collect the following necessary information:

Contact information with email address
Demographic information like postcode, preferences and interests
Other information related to the customer offers and/or surveys
All this is important and helpful for our company to know each customer as registered and then authorize accurate information with your order and assure that all customers are happy with the service they avail.

Database of customer information also facilitate us to save a record of any email messages you send us, so it will helpful for us to find out any problem or concern you have had.

At any point you can review the information have provided to us, if you want to correct or update any information then you may rectify and update this information by emailing at. info@fitfitshop.co.uk

For the comprehensive list of cookies we collect see the List of cookies we collect section.

Commitment to protect customer Data

As you know that the Internet usage is not cent percent protected in the context of communication so our company cannot give the guarantee of protection of any information customer sends to us or sends by us via Internet. In case of loss of confidentiality of such information our company is not responsible for any damages which you may suffer.

However we do our best and take every single precaution to secure customer information so for this purpose all of your personal information stored and kept on a server in secure environment.

How to unsubscribe?

If customers do not want to receive any further email, post or communications from our company then please email us at info@fitfitshop.co.uk make changes in your account settings.

What we do with the information we collect?

This information in helpful for us to understand your needs and desires in order to provide you a better service, following are the reasons to collect the customer information:

  • Internal record keeping.
  • The information may be used by us to improve our products and services.
  • We may send promotional emails about new products from time to time, special offers or other information which we find interesting and important for you.
  • We may also use your information to communicate with you. We can also use it for market research purposes. We may utilize the information to customize the website with respect to your interests. The communication with you may be by email, phone, fax or mail.


We assure you that your information is secured. For the prevention of unauthorized access or expose, we have used suitable electronic, physical, and managerial procedures to defend and secure your information.